Популярные переводы
Английский - Русский
Для бизнеса
give a preference to a
give an even break
give a rat's arse
give a red face
give a rest
give a ribbing
give a ring
give a roasting
give a rocket
give a rough ride
give a rough time
give a run for money
give a run for one's money
give a run for their money
give a second
give a second chance
give as good as one gets
give as good as you get
give a shit about
give a shit about someone or something
give a shite
give a shot at
give a shout
give a sneck posset
give a talking to
give a taste of own medicine
give a thick ear
give a tinkle
give a tongue-lashing
give a toss
give a try
give a turn
give away the shop
Give an inch and he'll take a mile
give a wedgie
give a whirl
give a wide berth
give a wide berth to
give a wide berth to someone or something
give a working over
give back with interest
give bad marks to
give bad marks to someone or something
give an out
give best
give best shot
give big eye
give big hand
give big picture
give big send-off
give birth to
give birth to or
give birth to or something
give birth to someone or
give a rah-rah speech
give Bondi
give boot
give both barrels
give break
give bright idea
give brush-off
give bum's rush
give away the store
give carte blanche
give cause for
give cause for something
give chapter and verse
give charge
give charley horse
give chase
give chase to someone or something
give checkup
give cold shoulder
give color to
give control over or
give control over or something
give control over someone or
give control over someone or something
give credence to
give credence to or
give credence to or something
give credence to someone or
give beans
give credit
give credit.) Especially with a lot of credit, much credit
give credit to
give credit where credit is due
Give credit where credit is due
give currency
give currency to something
give curry
give day off
give devil
give dues
give ear
give ear to
give ear to or
give ear to or something
give ear to someone or
give ear to someone or something
give enough rope
Give enough rope and he'll hang himself
give enough rope to hang
give evidence of
give evidence of something
give eyeteeth
give eyeteeth for
give face
give birth to someone or something
give feeling
give bum steer
give feel of something
give first crack at
give first crack at something
give first refusal
give fits
give five
give fix on
give fix on something
give credence to someone or something
give foot in both camps
give for
give for something
give forth with
give forth with something
give freedom
give free hand
give free rein
give free rein to
give free rein to one
give free rein to someone
give fresh start
give full play
give full rein
give full rein to
give full rein to one
give full vent to full
give furiously to think
give gimme a five
give fair shake
give grasp of
give grasp of something
give gray hair
give grief
give ground
give gyp
give Hail Columbia
give half a chance
give head
give head for the washing
give heart failure
give heed to
give hell
give hell to
give her head, to
give her the gun
give feel of
give his or her head
give food for thought
give ideas
give inkling
give inside track
give in to
give in to someone or something
give it a burl
give it all you've got
Give it all you've got
give it a rest
give it a shot
give it a whirl
give it best shot
give itch for
give gimme five
give itch to do
give itch to do something
give itchy feet
give it laldy
give it some stick
give it some welly
give it the gun
Give it the gun
give it time
Give it time
give it to
give it to one
give it to one straight
give it to someone
give it to someone straight
give it to straight
give Jesse
give jump on
give jump on someone
give just enough rope to hang themselves
give knuckle sandwich
give last laugh
give leg bail
give leg up
give leg up on
give leg up on someone
give his head, to
give life
give line on or
give line on or something
give hostage to fortune
give line on someone or something
give lip service to
give lip service to something
give look-see
give love to
give itch for something
give low profile
give marching orders
Give me a chance
give me a five
give me any day
give me any time
give me five
give lick and a promise
Give me liberty, or give me death
give mental block
give me someone or something any day
give me someone or something any time
give me some sugar
give me strength
give mind to
give my best to
Give my best to
Give my best to someone
give name to
give line on someone or
given half the chance
given no quarter
give nod
give no quarter
give notice
given precedence over or
given precedence over or something
given precedence over someone or
given precedence over someone or something
given the gate
given the hook
given to
given to doing
given to doing something
give odds
give odds that
give odds that something will happen
give of
give offense to
give of oneself
give of oneself or something
give old heave-ho
give on
give once-over
give one
give one a bad time
give lowdown
give one a bell
give one a big hand
give one a big send-off
give one a blank check
give one a bloody nose
give one a break
give one a bumpy ride
give one a bum steer
give one a buzz
give one a call
give one a charge
give one a dirty look
Give me five
give one a fair crack of the whip
give one a fair shake
give one a feel of one
give one a fix
give one a fix of one
give one a free hand
give one a fresh start
give one a hammering
give one a hard time
give one a heads up
given half a chance
give one a kick
give one a leg up
give one a line
give one a melvin
give one a mouthful
give one an account of one
give one an earful
give one an easy ride
give one an even break
give one ants in one's pants
give one ants in pants
give one any lip
give one a one bawling out
give one a one talking to
give one a one working over
give one a pain
give one a pasting
give one a ring
give one a roasting
give one a rocket
give one a rough ride
give one a rough time
give one a run for one money
give one a shot at one
give one a shout
give one a taste of one own medicine
give one a thick ear
give one a tinkle
give one a tongue-lashing
give one a turn
give one a wedgie
give one beans
give one a bang
give one black mark beside one's name
give one Bondi
give one both barrels
give one carte blanche
give one chip on one's shoulder
give one chip on shoulder
give one a dose of one own medicine
give one enough rope to hang one
give one food for thought
give one freedom
give one free rein
give one full rein
give one furiously to think
give one gray hair
give one grief
give one gyp
give one Hail Columbia
give one half a chance
give one heart failure
give one hell
give one ideas
give one a heart attack
give one Jesse
give one lump in one's throat
give one lump in throat
give one offer one cannot refuse
give one one dues
give one one first refusal
give one one freedom
give one one head
give one one marching orders
give one one's freedom
give one black mark beside name
give one one's walking papers
give one one to think about
give one one walking papers
give one one what for
give one pause
give one pause for thought
give one running shoes
give one's best shot
give one enough rope
give oneself or someone a pat on the back
give oneself over to or
give oneself over to or something
give oneself over to someone or
give oneself over to someone or something
give oneself up
give one skin
give one some lip
give one some skin
give one some slack
give one something to think about
give one's right arm
give one's right arm for someone or something
give one stars in eyes
give one stars in one's eyes
give one start
give one static
give one itchy feet
give one the all-clear
give one the axone
give one the bag
give one the benefit of one
give one the big e
give one the bird
give one the boot
give one the cold shoulder
give one the creeps
give one the devil
give one the evil eye
give one the feel of one
give one the fig
give one the finger
give one the flick one
give one the freeze
give one the gears
give one the glad hand
give one the go-by
give one the green light
give one the hairy eyeball
give one the heebie-jeebies
give one the inside track
give one the kiss of life
give one the low-down
give one the OK
give one the once-over
give one the one heave-ho
give one one's start
give one the pip
give one the push
give one the raspberry
give one the runaround
give one the sack
give one the screaming abdabs
give one the shaft
give one the shits
give one the shivers
give oneself low profile
give one the shock of one's life
give one the shove
give one the silent treatment
give one the slip
give one the willies
give one the works
give one time to catch breath
give one time to catch one's breath
give one tit for tat
give one to believe
give one to understand
give one trouble
give one up as a bad job
give one walking papers
give one what's coming one
give or away
give one the air
give or back
give or something away
give or something a wide berth
give or something back
give or something up
give or up
give out with
give out with out
give out with something
give over
give over to
give over to or
give over to or something
give over to someone or
give over to someone or something
give pap with a hatchet
give pause
give pause for thought
give pause to
give pause to one
give pause to, to
give perspective on
give perspective on something
give place to
give pound of flesh
give preference to
give preference to someone or something
give props to
give props to one
give qualms
give raw deal
give red-carpet treatment
give rein to
give one the pink slip
give reputation
give right arm
give right-of-way
give right to
give right to something
give rise to
give rise to something
give runaround
give rundown
give running shoes
give sack
give one the shock of life
gives as good as one gets
give shape to
give shellacking
give short end of the stick
give short shrift
give sinking feeling
give skin
give slap on the wrist
gives me life
give some elbow room
give or a wide berth
give someone a bawling out
give someone a big hand
give someone a black eye
give someone a blank check
give someone a blank look
give someone a bloody nose
give rein to someone or something
give someone access to someone or
give someone access to someone or something
give someone a dig
give someone a dose of their own medicine
give someone A for effort
give someone a free rein
give someone a good bawling out
give someone a good talking to
give someone a good working over
give someone a helping hand
give someonea hold on a strong
give someonea hold on someone a strong
give someone a leg up
give someone a lift
give someone a line
give someone all the marbles
give someone an earful
give someone an even break
give someone an inch
Give someone an inch and he'll take a mile
give someone an inch and they'll take a mile
give someone a once-over
give someone a pain
give someone a piece of mind
give someone a piece of one's mind
give someone a piece of your mind
give someone a red face
give someone a right to a
give someone a right to something
give someone a ring
give someone a run for money
give someone a run for one's money
give someone a run for their money
give someone a talking to
give someone a tongue-lashing
give someone a wide berth
give someone a working over
give someone big eye
give someone big hand
gives as good as gets
give someone big head
give someone big picture
give someone big send-off
give someone boot
give someone both barrels
give someone break
give someone bright idea
give someone brush-off
give someone bum's rush
give some lip
give someone business
give someone a buzz
give someonebutterflies in stomach
give someone carte blanche
give someone charge
give someone charge of someone or something
give someone charley horse
give someone checkup
give someone cold shoulder
give someone control over someone or
give someone control over someone or something
give someone big hand for something
give someone day off
give someone bum steer
Give someone enough rope and he'll hang himself
give someonebutterflies in one's stomach
give someone feeling
give someone credit.) Especially with a lot of credit, much credit
give someone feeling that something is the case
give someone feel of something
give someone first crack at
give someone first crack at something
give someone five
give someone fix on
give someone fix on something
give someone foot in both camps
give someone free hand
give someone free hand with someone or something
give someone fresh start
give someone grasp of
give someone grasp of something
give someone Hail Columbia
give someone head
give someone hell
give someone her head, to
give someone his head, to
give someone his or her head
give someone inkling
give someone inkling of something
give someone inside track
give someone devil
give someone itch for something
give someone fair shake
give someone itch to do something
give someone jump on someone
give someone just enough rope to hang themselves
give someone knuckle sandwich
give someone last laugh
give someone last laugh on someone
give some one last word
give someone leg up
give someone leg up on someone
give someone line on someone or
give someone line on someone or something
give someone look-see
give someone lowdown
give someone lowdown on someone or something
give someone mental block
give someone feel of
give someone itch for
give someone itch to do
give someone mental block against something
give someone nod
give someone old heave-ho
give someone once-over
give someone odds that
give someone or something a bad name
give someone or something a black eye
give someone or something a hand
give someone or something a chance
give someone or something away
give someone or something a wide berth
give someone or something back to someone or something
give someone or something back
give someone or something best
give someone or a wide berth
give someone or something the nod
give someone or something the run of someone or something
give someone or something up
give someone or something up for lost
give someone or something up to someone
give someone or something up for dead
give someone or up
give someone out
give someone pause
give someone or away
give someone perspective on something
give someone pause for thought
give someone pound of flesh
give someone qualms
give someone qualms about someone or something
give someone raw deal
give someone red-carpet treatment
give someone reputation
give someone or back
give someone right-of-way
give someone right to
give someone right to something
give someone runaround
give someone rundown
give someone shellacking
give someone short end of the stick
give someone sack
give someone sinking feeling
give someone slap on the wrist
give someone solid grasp of something
give someone solid grasp of solid
give someone some lip
give someone some elbow room
give someone static
give someone the air
give someone the ax
give someone the bum's rush
give someone the benefit of the doubt
give someone or something the benefit of the doubt
give someone the cold shoulder
give someone the creeps
give someone the evil eye
give someone the finger
give someone the eye
give someone the flick pass
give someone perspective on
give someone the high sign
give someone their head
give someone their marching orders
give someone the go-by
give someone their walking papers
give someone the nod
give someone the raspberry
give someone the rough edge of your tongue
give someone the old heave-ho
give someone the runaround
give someone the rundown
give someone the shirt off back
give someone the shirt off one's back
give someone the silent treatment
give someone the slip
give someone the third degree
give someone the time of day
give someone third degree
give someone time for someone or
give someone time for someone or something
give someone time off
give someone time off for good behavior
give someone tongue-lashing
give someone to understand something
give someone to understand
give someone try at someone
give someone try at
give someone try at something
give someone up
give someone up for dead
give someone upper hand
give someone upper hand on someone
give someone reputation for doing something
give someone vested interest
give someone vested interest in something
give someone what for
give someone voice in something
give someone wherewithal
give someone wherewithal to do something
give someone whiff of
give someone whiff of something
give someone worst of
give someone works
give someone the business
give someone wrong number
give some slack
give some skin
give something a miss
give something a once-over
give something a try
give someone the gate
give someone voice
give something a whirl
give something a wide berth
give something best shot
give something back
give something for something
give something one's best shot
give something lick and a promise
give something out
give something over
give something over to someone or something
give something the finger
give something the old college try
give something the thumbs down
give something the old heave-ho
give something the thumbs up
give someone worst of something
give something to
give something to someone
give something to think about
give something to someone on a silver platter
give something under the threat of something
give something under threat of something
give some thought to
give something your best shot
give some thought to something
give static
give teeth to
give something a rest
give teeth to something
give thanks for small mercies
give thanks for small blessings
give the air
give the all-clear
give the ax
give the back of hand
give the benefit of
give the benefit of the doubt
give the bag
give something away
give the big e
give the bird
give the brush-off
give the bum's rush
give the can
give the chair
give the business
give the cold shoulder
give the college try
give the creeps
give the devil
give the devil his due
give the devil her due
give something to on a silver platter
give the evil eye
give the eye
give stick
give the fig
give the finger
give the first crack at
give the flick
give the flick pass
give the freeze
give the fright of life
give the gate
give the gears
give the glad hand
give the go-ahead
give the go-by
give the green light
give the green light to
give the green light to someone
give the green light to something
give the heave-ho
give the hairy eyeball
give the heebie-jeebies
give the high sign
give the hook
give the inside track
give their head
give their marching orders
give their walking papers
give the itch for
give the boot
give the kiss of life
give the length of tongue
give the lie to something
give the lie to
give the low-down
give the lowdown
give them hell
give the nod
give the mitten
give the OK
give the nod to
give the elbow
give the once-over
give the pink slip
give the pip
give the old heave-ho
give the raspberry
give the push
give the feel of
give the rough edge of your tongue
give the royal treatment
give the runaround
give the run of
give the screaming abdabs
give the sack
give the shaft
give the shake
give the shirt off back
give the shits
give the shirt off one's back
give the shivers
give the show away
give the shove
give the slip
give the silent treatment
give the stink eye
give the third degree
give the thumbs up
give the itch to
give the thumbs down
give the wall
give the whole show away
give the willies
give the word
give third degree
give the works
give thought
give thought to
give time for or
give time for someone or
give time for or something
give time for someone or something
give time off
give time off for good behavior
give tit for tat
give to
give to believe
give tongue
give tongue-lashing
give to on a platter
give tongue to
give to on a plate
give to someone
give the old college try
give to think about
give to someone on a silver platter
give to understand
give to understand something
give try at
give try at someone
give trouble
give try at something
give the rough side of tongue
give two cents
give two hoots
give two cents' worth
give twopence
give under threat of
give two pennies
give under threat of something
give two penn'orth
give up all hope
give up as a bad job
give up for dead
give up for lost
give up as lost
give up hope
give upper hand
give up on someone or something
give up the ghost
give up the fight
give up the struggle
Give us the tools, and we will finish the job
give vent to
give voice
give the time of day
give voice to
give voice to something
give to on a silver platter
give way to
give way to or
give way to or something
give way to someone or
give weight to
give weight to something
give weight
give way to someone or something
give what for
give what's coming
give whiff of something
give wherewithal
give wing to
give whiff of
give with
give with something
give with one hand and take away with the other
give tuppence
give word
give worst of
give works
give worst of something
give wrong number
give you a lift
give your head a shake
give your right arm
give you the willies
give your best shot
Giving Tuesday
glad hand
give vested interest
glad rags
glad tidings
glad to hear it
glad to hear that
glad to see the back of
glad to see the back of or
glad to see the back of or something
glad to see the back of someone or
glad you could come
glad you could drop by
glad to see the back of someone or something
glamor puss
glamour girl
give walking papers
glance around some place
glance around
glance around some thing or place
glance at
glance at or
glance at someone or
glance at or something
glance at someone or something
glance back
glance away
glance back at
glance back at someone or something
glance down
glance down at
glance off
glance down at someone or something
glance down at something
give witness to
glance off someone or something
glance over at
glance over
glance over or
glance over at someone or something
glance over or something
glance over someone or
glance over someone or something
glance through something
glance through
gizzle a wild card word for words beginning with
glare at or something
glare at someone or
glare at or
glare at someone or something
glare down on
glare down
glare down on someone or something
glass ceiling
glass half empty
glass in
glass is half full
glass half full
glass is half empty
glass of fashion and the mold of form
glass over
glass something in
glamour puss
glazed over
glaze over
glaze up
gleam in someone's eye
gleam with
gleam in eye
glean from