Популярные переводы
Английский - Русский
Для бизнеса
as phony as a three-dollar bill
aspire to
aspire to something
as pissed as a newt
as plain as a pikestaff
as plain as day
as plain as the nose on as face
as plain as the nose on face
as one man
as pleases
a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
as poor as a church mouse
as poor as a Job's turkey
as poor as church mice
a sport
a spot of lunch
a sprat to catch a mackerel
as pretty as a picture
a spring in step
as proud as a peacock
as pure as the driven snow
a square peg
a spanner in the works
as queer as a three-dollar bill
as queer as Dick's hatband
as quick as a bunny
as quick as a flash
as quick as anything
as quick as a wink
as quick as lightning
as quiet as a lamb
as quiet as a mouse
a spare tyre
as rare as hens' teeth
as rare as rocking horse crap
as rare as rocking horse manure
as rare as rocking horse poo
as rare as rocking horse shit
as red as a beetroot
as red as a cherry
as red as a poppy
as red as a ruby
as red as blood
as pleased as punch
as regular as clockwork
as rich as Croesus
as right as a trivet
as right as ninepence
as right as rain
a square peg in a round hole
as safe as houses
assail someone with
assail someone with something
assail with
assail with something
assault and battery
assault the ear
as scarce as hen's teeth
as scarce as hens' teeth
as screwed up as Hogan's goat
ass end of creation
assent to
assent to something
assess at
assess at something
assess something at something
as sharp as a needle
as sharp as a razor
as sharp as a steel trap
as sharp as a tack
as sharp as a whip
assholes and elbows
as sick as a dog
as sick as a parrot
as sick as a pig
assign or something to or something
assign or something to someone or something
assign or to or
assign or to or something
assign or to someone or
assign or to someone or something
assign someone or something to someone or something
assign someone or to someone or
assign someone or to someone or something
assign something to
assign something to someone
assign to
assign to someone
as silent as the dead
as quiet as the grave
as silly as a goose
as silly as a wheel
assimilate into
assimilate or into
assimilate or into something
assimilate or something into something
assimilate someone into
assimilate someone or into
assimilate someone or into something
assimilate someone or something into something
as regards
assimilate with
assimilate with some people
as sin
ass in a lion's skin
ass is grass
ass is on the line
assist at
assist at something
as round as Giotto's O
assist in something
assist one at
assist someone in
assist someone in something
assist someone with someone or
assist someone with someone or something
assist with
assist with or
assist with or something
assist with someone or
assist with someone or something
as skinny as a beanpole
as silent as the grave
as slick as a whistle
as slick as snot
as slippery as an eel
as slow as molasses
as slow as molasses in January
as sly as a fox
as smart as a whip
as smooth as a baby's bottom
as smooth as glass
as smooth as silk
as snug as a bug in a rug
as sober as a judge
associate oneself with or
associate oneself with or something
associate oneself with someone or
associate oneself with someone or something
associate with
associate with or
associate with or something
associate with someone
associate with someone or
associate with someone or something
assimilate something) into
as soft as a baby's backside
as soft as a baby's bottom
as soft as down
as soft as silk
as soft as velvet
as solid as a rock
assist in
as soon as possible
as sound as a bell
as sound as a dollar
as sour as vinegar
ass out
ass-out hug
ass over teacup
ass over teakettle
as steady as a rock
as stiff as a board
as stiff as a poker
as skinny as a rail
as still as death
as straight as a die
as straight as an arrow
as straight as a ramrod
as strong as a bull
as strong as a horse
as strong as a lion
as strong as an ox
as stubborn as a mule
as such
assume airs
assume liability for
assume liability for something
assume low profile
assume the mantle
assume the position
as sure as a gun
as sure as death and taxes
as sure as eggs as
as sure as fate
as sure as God made little green apples
as sure as hell
as sure as I'm standing here
as sure as shooting
as sure as you live
as sure as you're standing there
ass off
assure of something
assure one of one
assure someone of
assure someone of something
as sweet as honey
as sweet as pie
as sweet as sugar
as soon as
as swift as lightning
as swift as the wind
as swift as thought
a stab at
a stab in the back
a stab in the dark
a standstill
a stay of execution
a steal
a step in the right direction
as stiff as a ramrod
as the crow flies
as the fella says
as the next person
as the spirit moves
as the spirit moves one
As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined
as the white on rice
as thick as a brick
as thick as a shit
as thick as a short plank
as thick as mince
as thick as pea soup
as thick as pig shit
as thick as shit
as thick as thieves
as thick as two planks
as thick as two short planks
as thin as a rail
as thin as a rake
as thin as a stick
as things go
as though
a stick-in-the-mud
a stick with which to beat
a stick with which to beat someone
a sticky situation
a sticky wicket
a stiff drink
a stiff upper lip
as tight as a drum
as tight as a tick
as tight as Dick's hatband
a still tongue makes a wise head
assure of
a stitch in time
a stitch in time saves nine
as to
a stone cold fox
a stone's throw
a stone's throw away
a stonker of a
a storm in a teacup
as swift as an arrow
a storm in a teapot
a storm is brewing
as tough as an old boot
as tough as as as leather
as tough as leather
as tough as nails
as tough as old boots
as tough as shoe leather
a stepping stone
astound someone with
astound someone with something
astound with
astound with something
a stout heart
a straight face
a straight fight
a stranger to someone or something
a streak of bad luck
a streak of good luck
a streak of luck
a string of bad luck
a string of good luck
a string of luck
as true as steel
a stumble may prevent a fall
a sucker for
a sucker for someone or something
a sudden rush of blood sudden
as ugly as a toad
as ugly as sin
a sure thing
as useful as a chocolate teapot
as useful as tits on a bull
as useless as tits on a boar hog
as vain as a peacock
as warm as toast
as weak as a baby
as weak as a kitten
as well
as well as
as well as or
a stitch
as well as someone or
as well as someone or something
as white as a ghost
as white as a sheet
as white as snow
as white as the driven snow
as wily as a fox
a storm in a teakettle
as wise as Solomon
a sword of Damocles hangs over
a sword of Damocles hangs over head
a sword of Damocles hangs over one
as worthless as tits on a boar as
as yet
astound one with one
as you make your bed, so you must lie in it
as you make your bed, so you must lie on it
As you make your bed, so you must lie on it
As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it
as you sow, so shall you reap
As you sow, so shall you reap,
as you wish
at a blow
at a canter
at a clip
at a crossroads
a tad
a tad bit
at a disadvantage
at a discount
at a distance
at a fair lick
at a fast clip
at a glance
at a good clip
a tale never loses in the telling
as well as or something
a talk shop
as wise as an owl
a tall drink of water
at all hours
at all hours of the day and night
a tall order
at a loose end
at a loss
at a loss for words
at a low ebb
as you make your bed, so must you lie in it
at an end
at an impasse
at an unearthly hour
at an ungodly hour
at any cost
at a pinch
at a premium
at a price
at a push
at a rate of knots
at a ripe old age
at a single blow
at a lick
at a snail's gallop
at a snail's pace
at a snail’s pace
a taste of one's own medicine
a taste of own medicine
at a stretch
at a stroke
at a tender age
at a venture
at bay
at beck and call
at behest
at best
at bottom
at close quarters
at close range
at command
at convenience
at cross purposes
at cross-purposes
at all
at death's door
at death's doorstep
at discretion
at disposal
at door
at doorstep
at each other's throats
a tearing hurry
a tearing rush
at earliest convenience
at anchor
at elbow
a tempest in a teacup
a tempest in a teakettle
a tempest in a teapot
ate up with
ate up with someone
ate up with someone or something
ate up with something
at every turn
at expense
at face value
at fault
at feet
at fever pitch
at fingertips
at first blush
at first glance
at first sight
at full blast
at full cock
at a single stroke
at full speed
at full steam
at full strength
at full throttle
at full tilt
at grade
at great length
at gunpoint
at half-mast
at half-staff
at hammer and tongs
at daggers drawn
at hazard
at heart
at heels
at Her Majesty's pleasure
a thing
a thing of beauty is a joy forever
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
a thing of shreds and patches
a thing of the past
a thing or two
a thin line
at ease
a thin skin
at home
at home with
at home with or
at home with or something
at home with someone or
at home with someone or something
a thorn in flesh
a thorn in side
a thorn in the flesh
a thorn in the side
a thou
a thousand and one
a through and through
a throw
a thumbnail sketch
a ticking time bomb
a tiger by the tail
a tight corner
a tight rein on
a tight rein on someone or something
a tight ship
a tight spot
a tight squeeze
a time bomb
a tinker's curse
a tinker's damn
at intervals
at full pelt
at issue
at it
a tit bit nipply
at it hammer and tongs
at its best
at knee
at knifepoint
at large
at last
at hand
at least
at least so many
at leisure
at length
at liberty
at lightning speed
at loggerheads
at loggerheads over
a thin line between love and hate
at loggerheads with someone
at long last
at loose ends
at lowest ebb
at mercy
at mother's knee
a toad-choker
a toad-strangler
at odds
at odds with
at odds with someone
at odds with someone or something
a tip of the hat
at odds with the world
at odds with yourself
a toe in the door
a to end all
a to fingertips
atomic cocktail
at latter Lammas
at once
at one another's throats
at one fell swoop
atone for
atone for something
at one go
at one hammer and tongs
at one remove
at one's
at one's best
at one sitting
at one stroke
at one's wit's end
at one time
at one with
at one with someone or something
a ton of
a ton of people or things
at opposite poles
a toss-up
a totally different ballgame
a touch of
a touch of the sun
a tough act to follow
a tough nut
a tough nut to crack
a tough pill to swallow
a tough row to hoe
a tough spot
at own game
at own peril
at own risk
at pains
at peace
at peace with the world
at play
at loggerheads with
at point-blank range
at present
at rack and manger
at random
a travesty of justice
at odds with something
a tree is known by its fruit
a tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds
at regular intervals
at request
at rest
a tribe
atomic wedgie
a trifle
a trip to the woodshed
at risk
at risk to
at risk to someone, something, or oneself
at rock bottom
a Trojan horse
a trouble shared is a trouble halved
a try at
a try at someone or something
at sea
at second hand
at service
at sharp
at sight
at sixes and sevens
at someone or something
at someone's
at someone's beck and call
at someone's doorstep
at someone's earliest convenience
at someone's expense
at someone's hands
at someone's heels
at someone's or something's mercy
at someone's request
at someone's service
at something's lowest ebb
at some time sharp
at stud
at pleasure
at swords' points
attached to or
attached to or something
attached to someone or
attached to someone or something
attach oneself to
attach oneself to someone
attach oneself to something
attach to
attach to someone
a treat
attack is the best form of defense
attack of
attack of some illness
attend to
attend to or
a trick worth two of
attend to someone
attend to someone or
attend to someone or something
attention whore
attest to
attest to something
at that
at that rate
at the
at the appointed time
at suggestion
at the back of mind
at the back of your mind
at the bottom of
at the bottom of something
at the bottom of the heap
at the bottom of the ladder
at the break of dawn
at the buzzer
at the chalkface
at the coalface
at the crack of dawn
at the cutting edge
at the dot
at the drop of a hat
at the eleventh hour
at the end of fingertips
at the end of one's rope
at the end of rope
at the end of tether
at the end of the line
at the end of the rainbow
at the end of your tether
at the expense of
at the expense of or
at the expense of or something
at the expense of someone or
at the expense of someone or something
at the forefront
at the forefront of
at the forefront of something
attach to something
at the hands of s
at the height of
at the height of something
at the helm
at the helm of something
at the high port
at the instance of
at the last chance saloon
attend to or something
at the last gasp
at the last minute
at the latest
at the mercy of
at the mercy of someone
at the mercy of someone or something
at the most
at the back of beyond
at the outside
at the present time
at the rear of
at the rear of something
at the receiving end
at the ripe old age
at the risk of
at the risk of doing something
at the same time
at the stroke of
at the stroke of some specific time
at the hand of
at the tender age of
at the last count
at the top of game
at the outset
at the top of one's voice
at the summit of success
at the top of the heap
at the top of the ladder
at the top of voice
at the very least
at the very outside
at the wheel
at the worst
at the zenith of
at the zenith of something
at this juncture
at this rate
at this stage
at this stage of the game
Attic salt
Attic wit
at time of life
attire in
attire in something
attire someone in
attire someone in something
attire someone or oneself in someone or oneself
attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client
attract attention
attract someone or something to someone or something
attract to
attribute something to or something
attribute something to someone or something
attribute to
attribute to or
attribute to or something
attribute to someone or
attribute to someone or something
attune someone or something to someone or something
attune to
at turning point
a turn of mind
a turn-up for the book
a turn-up for the books
at variance
at variance with
at war
a twinkle in daddy's eye
at wit's end
at the top of agenda
at work
at the top of lungs
at your heels
at the top of the agenda
at your wits' end
au courant
auction off
auction something off
audition for
audition for something
at wits' end
audition someone for something
au fait with
augur well for
augur well for or
augur well for or something
augur well for someone or
augur well for someone or something
au naturel
a unit of time or two
autem bawler
autem cackletub
autem dipper
autem diver
autem goggler
autem mort
autem prickear
automated decision support
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
auspicious occasion
autumn years
avail of
avail of something
avail oneself of
avail oneself of something
avant la lettre
a variation on the theme of
avenge against
avenge against for
avenge for
avenge oneself on someone or something on someone or something
avenue of escape
avenge oneself
avenue tank
average bear
average Jane
Aunt Sally
average Joe
at worst
average out to
at your service
average up
Aunt Flo
average something up
a verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on
avert from or something
audition someone for
avert from
avert something away from away or something
avert from someone or
avert from someone or something
avert something away from someone or something
avert something from or something
avert something from someone or something
a viper in bosom
a visit from Aunt Flo
a visit from the stork
a visit from Flo
a voice
average out
avoid or like the plague
avoid or something like the plague
avoid evil and it will avoid thee
avoid like the plague
avoid someone like the plague
avocado hand
avoid someone or something like the plague
avoid something like the plague
avoid someone or like the plague
avoid the trap of
avoid the trap of doing something
a vote of thanks
awake from
avowed intent
awake from something
awaken from
awaken from n
awaken n from n
awaken n from something
awaken n to something
awaken n to n
awaken someone from n
awaken from something
awaken someone from something
average out at something
awaken someone to n
awaken to n
awaken to something
awake someone from
awake someone to
awake someone from something
avert from or
a wake-up
awake to something
a wake-up call
a walking
a walking dictionary
a walking disaster
a voice in something
a walk in the park
award one one for one
award for
award someone or something someone or something
award something
award something to someone to someone
award to
a wash
aware of
awaken someone to something
awake someone to something
a waste of breath
a waste of space
a waste of energy
a watched pot never boils
a watched kettle never boils
away from desk
away with
away from one's desk
away with someone or something
a wealth of
a week from next Tuesday
away with the fairies
a week is a long time in politics
a week last
a week last some day
a week on
a week tomorrow
a week tomorrow some day
a week yesterday
a week yesterday some day
a week on some day
awake to
a weight off shoulders
awe inspiring
a well-oiled machine
a whack at someone or something
a whale of a
a whack at
awesome sauce
a whale of a good time
a whale of a time
a walking encyclopedia
a whiff of
a whistling woman and a crowing hen are neither fit for God nor men
a whited sepulcher
a white Christmas
a whole bunch
a white elephant
a whole heap
a whole host of whole
a whole lot
a whole lot of
a whole lot more
a war of nerves
a whole new ball game
a whole nother story
a whole other ball of wax
a whole other kettle of fish
a whole raft of
a whole raft of whole
a whole thing
a weight off mind
a wild card
a wild goose never laid a tame egg
a wind of change
a wise man of Gotham
a witness to a
awkward as a cow on a crutch
a wink of sleep
awkward as a cow on roller skates
awkward customer
awkward squad
a wolf in sheep's clothing
a woman after own heart
a woman for all seasons
a woman is as old as she admits
a while back
a woman of few words
a woman of her word
a woman of his word
a woman of the people
a woman on a mission
A woman's place is in the home
a woman's work is never done
A woman's work is never done
a woman with a mission
a wooden nickel
a wooden nutmeg
a whole new ballgame
a word in someone's ear
a word of praise is equal to ointment on a sore
a word once spoken cannot be recalled
a word once spoken is past recalling
a word spoken cannot be recalled
a word spoken is past recalling
a word to the wise
a word to the wise is sufficient
a word with
a word with one
a working over
a world away
a world of
a world of difference
a whoop and a holler
a worm will turn
aw shucks
axe hanging over
axe hanging over e
axe hanging over someone
axe hanging over something
axe to grind
ax hanging over
ax to grind
aye aye
aye aye, sir
a woman of action
ay up me duck
Aztec two-step
babbling idiot
babe in arms
babe in the woods
babe magnet
baby bear
baby blues
baby boomer
baby bump
baby gangsta
baby, it's cold outside
baby killer
baby needs a new pair of shoes
a word in ear
baby needs the shoes
babysit for
babysit for someone
babysit someone or something
babysitter test
babysit with
babysit with someone or something
bachelorette party
bachelor party
bach it
bach or batch or batch
back alley
back and fill
back and forth
back at
back atcha
back at it
back at it again
back at something or some place
back at square one
back away
a world of good
back-cloth star
back door
backdoor man
backdoor trot
backdoor trots
back down
back East