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Английский - Русский
Для бизнеса
not the sharpest tool in the box
not the sharpest tool in the shed
not the word for it
not thing
not think much of
not think much of someone or something
not think of
not think of doing something
not think twice about
not to be sneezed at
not to be sniffed at
not to know
not to mention
not that poor
not the end of the world
not too hot
not the sharpest knife in the drawer
not too shabby
not to touch a drop
not touch a drop
not touch a hair on head
not-too-distant future
not touch or with a ten-foot pole
not touch someone or something with a barge pole
not touch someone or something with a ten-foot pole
not touch someone or with a ten-foot pole
not touch with a barge pole
not touch with a ten-foot pole
Not to worry
not to write home about
not trouble head about
not trouble head about something
not trouble one's head about
not trouble one's head about something
not trouble one's pretty pretty head about pretty
not trouble one's pretty pretty head about something
not trust an inch
not trust as far as can throw
not trust as far as you could throw them
not trust farther than can throw
not trust one an inch
not trust someone as far as you could throw them
not turn a hair
not-too-distant past
not under any circumstances
not up to much
not up to par
not up to scratch
not up to scratch and not up to snuff
not up to snuff
not up to the mark
not utter a word
not wanted on voyage
not want to know
Not too much,
not what is cracked up to be
not what it's cracked up to be
not what someone or something is cracked up to be
not whistling Dixie
not with a bang but a whimper
not with a bang but with a whimper
not touch or something with a ten-foot pole
not worth a brass farthing
not worth a continental
not worth a damn
not under any circumstance
not worth a fig
not worth a hill of beans
not worth a hill of beans and not amount to a hill of beans; not worth a plugged nickel; not worth beans
not worth a plugged nickel
not worth a plug nickel
not worth a tinker's curse
not worth a tinker's damn
not worth beans
not worth mentioning
not worth one's while
not worth the candle
not worth the paper it's printed on
not worth the paper it's written on
not worth while
not worth writing home about
no two ways about it
not your brother's keeper
not your circus, not your monkeys
not your daddy's
not your dad's
not your line of country
not your long suit
nourish a serpent in bosom
nourish a snake in bosom
nourish a viper in bosom
not well up on not
nouveau riche
now and again
not with it
no way, José
not worth a dime
now cooking
now for
now for someone or something
now generation
now has gone and done it
now hear this
Now hear this
nowhere near
nowhere to be found
no use to man or beast
no-win situation
Now I've seen everything
now , now
no worth their salt would
now that you mention it
now we're talking
Now what
now, where was I
now and anon
now you mention it
Now you're cooking
Now you're cooking with gas
now you're on the trolley
now you're talking
no way to tell
nth degree
nuclear option
no win, no fee
nudge aside
nudge into
nudge nudge
nudge nudge wink wink
nudge or aside
Now where was I
nudge out
nudge someone or aside
Now you're talking
nudge and a wink
nudge or something aside
nuff said
nugget of information
nugget of truth
nugget of wisdom
nuke oneself
nulla poena sine lege
numbed out
number among
number comes up
nudge someone or something aside
number crunching
number in
number in something
number is up
number of
number off
number off by something
number of things or people
number one with a bullet
number or among
number or among something
number or something among something
numbers game
number someone or among
number someone or among something
number someone or something among something
number someone with
number someone with something
Number Ten
number two
number with
number with something
numb out
numero uno
nunya business
Nuremberg defense
nurse a grudge
nurse a grudge against one
nurse a grudge against someone
nurse along
nurse a serpent in bosom
nurse a snake in bosom
nurse a viper in bosom
nurse back to health
nudge someone or something someone or something
nurse someone back to health
number cruncher
nurse someone or something back to health
nurse someone or something through someone or something
nurse someone through
nurse something along
nurse through
nurse drink
nurts to that
nurts to this
nurture a serpent in bosom
nurture a snake in bosom
nurture a viper in bosom
nut case
nut-cutting time
nut factory
nut out
nuts about
nuts about someone or something
nuts and bolts of
nuts and bolts of something
nuts to
nuts to that
nuts to this
nuttier than a fruitcake
nutty about
nutty about someone or something
nutty as a fruitcake
nut up
nuzzle up
nuzzle up against
nuzzle up against or
nuzzle up against or something
nuzzle up against someone or
nuzzle up against someone or something
nuzzle up to someone or something
oat opera
object lesson
object of the exercise
object to or
object to or something
object to someone or
object to someone or something
nurse someone along
nurse someone or an animal along
obligate someone to someone or something
obligate to
obligate to or
obligate to or something
obligate to someone or
oblige by
oblige by something
oblige one by one
oblige one to one
oblige one with one
obligate one to
oblige someone by something
oblige someone to do
oblige someone to do something
oblige someone with
oblige someone with something
obligate someone to someone or
oblige to do
oblige to do something
oblige with
oblige with something
obliterate from
obliterate or from
obliterate or from something
obliterate or something from something
obliterate someone or from
obligate to someone or something
obliterate someone or something from someone or something
obliterate someone or something from something
oblige someone by
obsessed with or
obsessed with or something
obsessed with someone or
obsessed with someone or something
obstinate as a mule
obtain for
obtain for or
oblige to
obtain for someone or
obtain for someone or something
obtain something for or something
obtain something for someone or something
Occam's razor
occupy by
occupy oneself
occupy oneself by something
occupy someone or oneself by someone or oneself
occupy someone or oneself with someone or oneself
occupy someone with
occupy someone with something
occupy with
occupy with something
occur before someone's time
occur before time
occur to
occur to one
ocean of
obliterate someone or from something
oceans of or something
oceans of someone or
oceans of someone or something
odd and curious
odd bird
obtain for or something
odd couple
odd duck
odd fish
odd job
oceans of
odds and sods
odds are
odds are against
odds are against someone or something
odds are against the
odds are stacked against
odds are stacked against someone or something
odds are stacked in favor
odds are stacked in favor of
odds are stacked in favor of someone or something
odds are stacked in someone's or something's favor
odds are the
odds bodkins
odd something
odds-on favorite
odor of sanctity
of a
of a afternoon
of a evening
of a kind
of a lifetime
of all people
of all places
of all the
of all the nerve
of all things
Of all things
of a mind to
of a mind to do something
of a morning
of an persuasion
oceans of or
of a piece
of a single mind
of a single mind about
odd bod
of a sort
of benefit
of benefit to someone
of biblical proportions
of choice
of consequence
Of course, you realize this means war
of dreams
odd man out
off air
off artist
off at a tangent
off back
off balance
off base
of a persuasion
off board
off camera
off campus
off case
off center
off chance
off chump
off color
off dot
offend against
offend against or
offend against or something
offend against someone or
offend against someone or something
offend one with one
offend someone with
offend someone with something
offend with
offend with something
offer a carrot
offer affordance
offer affordances
offer a helping hand
offer an olive branch
offer an olive branch to someone
offer can't refuse
offer condolences
of a single mind about someone or something
off again, on again
off beam
offer for to
offer one can't refuse
offer someone a carrot
offer someone a helping hand
offer something for something
offer something to
offer something to someone
offer something to someone as something
offer something up
offer for
offer the olive branch
offer the olive branch to someone
offer to
offer to someone
off feed
off food
off for
off form
off from work
off goes
off gourd
off guard
off hands
off head
Officer Friendly
officiate as something as something
officiate as something at as something
officiate at
off key
off like a prom dress
off like a prom dress in May
off meds
off message
off nana
off nut
off oats
off of
off of someone or something
off of work
off on a power trip
off on a sidetrack
off on a tangent
off one’s chump
off one's game
off one's head
off one’s meds
offer for one to one
offer for something
off one’s rocker
off one’s trolley
off on or
offer something up to someone or something
off on someone or
off on someone or something
off or goes
off or something goes
off own bat
off plumb
off rocker
off one’s nut
off sick
off someone or goes
off someone or something goes
off subject
off the air
off the back of a lorry
off the back of a truck
off one's rocker
off the beaten path
off the blocks
off the books
off the chain
off the charts
off on or something
off the danger list
off season
off the ground
off the map
off the mark
off the peg
off the beam
off the radar
off the rails
off the reel
off the reservation
off the shelf
off the cuff
off the starting blocks
off the subject
off the table
off the top of head
off the top of one's head
off the face of the earth
off to a false start
off to one side
off topic
off the rack
off trolley
off with you
off work
off your hands
off your own bat
off your rocker
off your trolley
of good cheer
of great moment
of ilk
of interest
of life
of like mind
of little avail
of little consequence
of mature years
of necessity
of no account
of no avail
of no consequence
of no effect
of note
of no use to man or beast
of one mind
of one mind about someone or something
of one's own accord
of own accord
off the track
off track
of service
of service to someone
of service to someone or something
of interest to someone
of steel
of substance
often as not
of that ilk
of the blackest dye
of the deepest dye
of the essence
of the first magnitude
of the first order
of the highest magnitude
of the highest order
of the kind
of the opinion that
of own free will
of the order of some amount
of the persuasion
of the persuasion that
of the same mind
of the same stripe
of the sort
of this world
of two minds
of unsound mind
of use
of word
of yore
of your dreams
of your own accord
ogle at
ogle at one
Oh, boy
of own making
oh dark thirty
oh fudge
oh Lord
oh me, oh my
oh my fucking God
oh my giddy aunt
of sound mind
oh noes
oh oh God
oh oh gosh
oh really
oh, snap
of the order of
oh, sure someone or something will
Oh, yeah
oil and water
oil burner
oil field trash
oil hand
oil it
oil palm
oil the wheels
oil trash
oil up
oink out
oh dark hundred
OJ someone
OK by me
okey-dokey, Smokey
OK with me
OK yah
old Adam
old as Adam
old as Methuselah
old as the hills
old bag
oh my goodness gracious
old bat
old battle-axe
old battle-axold
Old Bill
old boy
oh, sure
old-boy network
old chestnut
oink out on something
old college try
old country
old days
old dear
old enough to be father
old ball and chain
old enough to be someone's mother
old boy network
oldest trick in the book
old fart
old codger
old fogey
old fogy
old girl
Old Glory
old gray mare
old gray mare ain't what she used to be
old guard
old enough to be mother
Old habits die hard
old hand
old hand at doing something
old hand at something
old head on young shoulders
old heave-ho
Old Hollywood
oldie but a goodie
old enough to vote
old lady
Old Lady of Threadneedle Street
old maid
old mate
old money
old flame
old one
old one-two
old one-two punch
old pals act
old poacher makes the best gamekeeper
old rose
old salt
old saw
old school tie
old habits die hard
old sod
old soldier
old Spanish customs
old stamping ground
old stomping ground
old story
oldie but goodie
old traditions die hard
old trout
old warhorse
old windbag
old wives' tale
old woman
olive branch
olive juice
oll korrect
olly olly oxen free
Old Nick
omega male
omit from
omit or from
omit or from something
omit or something from something
omit someone or from
omit someone or from something
omit someone or something from someone or something
omit someone or something from something
on a biblical scale
on about
on account
on account of someone or something
on acid
on a collision course
on active duty
on a diet
on a dime
old skool
on a first-name basis
on a first-name basis with someone
on a fool's errand
on again, off again
on agenda
on aggregate
on a handshake
old switcheroo
on a high
on a hunch
on a kick
on a knife-edge
on a lark
on a lighter note
on all fours with
on all hands
on a loser
on a losing wicket
on a moment's notice
on an average
on and on
on advance notice
on an irregular basis
on another planet
on a hiding to nothing
on a limb
on a pedestal
on a platter
on a power trip
on approval
on a rampage
on an even keel
on a regular basis
on a shingle
on a shoestring
on a short fuse
on a short lead
on a short leash
on a par with
on a silver platter
on a sixpence
on a slippery slope
on a slow boat to China
on ass
on a sticky wicket
on a subject or activity kick
on at
on a tangent
on a tear
on at full blast
on a tickey
on a tight lead
on a tight leash
on a toot
on a toss of a coin
on a trial
on automatic
on automatic pilot
on autopilot
on a waiting list
on a wait list
on a whim
on a wing and a prayer
on back
on background
on bad terms
on bad terms with someone
on beam-ends
on behalf
on best behavior
on bill
on borrowed time
on brain
on a par with someone or something
on Broadway
on camera
on campus
on Carey Street
on case
once a , always a
once and future
on a razor's edge
Once a priest, always a priest,
once a whore, always a whore
once bitten
once bitten, twice shy
on a sidetrack
once-in-a-lifetime chance
once-in-a-lifetime experience
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
once-in-a-lifetime situation
once over lightly
once the dust has settled
on brand
once too often
once word gets out
on coattails
on commission
on condition
on conscience
on consignment
on course
on course for
on course for something
on course to
on course to do something
on cue
on dangerous ground
on dead center
on deathbed
on deck
on deep background
on doorstep
on draft
one after another
one age with
one ain't particular
one and the same
one-arm bandit
one-armed bandit
on easy street
one bad apple spoils the barrel
one bad apple spoils the bunch
one bad apple spoils the bushel
one bad apple spoils the whole barrel
one bad apple spoils the whole bunch
one bad apple spoils the whole bushel
one-banana problem
once a priest, always a priest
Once bitten, twice shy
one brick short of a load
one brick shy of a full load
one brick shy of a load
one can do worse
once the word gets out
One cannot be in two places at once
one can scarcely believe one eyes
one can't beat that
one can't believe one ears
one banana short of a bunch
one can't take one anywhere
one can't top that
one can't wait
one can't win
one can't win for losing
one brick short of a full load
one card short of a full deck
one card shy of a deck
one card shy of a full deck
one could be forgiven for one
one could be one grandparent)
one could do worse
one could stand one
one could use one
one-day wonder
one degree under
on edge
one did everything one could 'cept eat one
one does not wash one dirty linen in public
one can hardly believe one eyes
one doesn't give a rip one
one doesn't have a problem with that
one doesn't miss a trick
one door closes and another one opens
one eye on
one' can't say fairer than that
one false move
one fell swoop
one figures one
one-finger salute
one flesh
one for
one can whistle for it
one for the book
one for the books
one for the Gipper
one for the record bookrecord
one for the record books
one good turn deserves another
One good turn deserves another
one had better be going
one had better get moving
one had better get on one had horse
one half of the world does not know how the other half lives
one hand for and one for the ship
One hand for and one for the ship
One hand for oneself and one for the ship
one hand washes the other
one hand washes the other and both wash the face
one has a bright future ahead one
one has a point one
one has made one bed
one has made one bed and one will have to lie in it
one has no problem with that
one hasn't lived one
one hasn't the foggiest
one has to draw a line somewhere
one has to draw the line somewhere
One has to draw the line somewhere
one has to run along
one heck of a
one heck of a something or someone
one hell of a
one hell of a something or someone
one-hit wonder
one-horse race
one-horse town
one hour's sleep before midnight is worth two after
one in a hundred
one-in-a-million chance
one in a thousand
one in the eye for
one doesn't give a hoot one
one eye on someone or something
one is going to kill one
one is going to murder one
one is not as green as one is cabbage-looking
one for a
one is not going to eat one
one is off one rocker
one is old enough to be one grandparent)
one is one too much
on either hand
one jump ahead of
one jump ahead of someone
one jump ahead of something
one in the eye for someone
one law for the rich and another for the poor
one law for the rich and another law for the poor
one made one bed and one has to lie in it
one made one bed and one must lie in it
one made one one bed
one-man band
one-man show
one man's loss is another man's gain
One man's loss is another man's gain
one man's meat is another man's poison
One man's meat is another man's poison
one man's trash is another man's treasure
One man's trash is another man's treasure
one might be forgiven for one
one might do worse
one in the oven
One moment, please
one must have killed a Chinaman
one needs to get out more
one never thought one would see one here
one never would have guessed
one-night stand
one off the wrist
one of the boys
one of the faithful
one of the girls
one of the lads
one one better hit the road
one one never had it so good
one one never heard one such a thing
one only has one pair of hands
one is not going to bite one
one over the eight
one per customer
one last fling
one picture is worth a thousand words
one picture paints a thousand words
one puts one pants on one leg at a time
one ray of hope
one minute to midnight
one rotten apple spoils the bunch
one rotten apple spoils the bushel
one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel
one rotten apple spoils the whole bunch
one rotten apple spoils the whole bushel
one sandwich short of a picnic
one sandwich shy of a picnic
one’s bag
one’s ball and chain
One's bark is worse than bite
One's bark is worse than one's bite
one's best bib and tucker
one's best shot
one over eight
one person's loss is another person's gain
one’s better half
one’s bottom dollar
one rotten apple spoils the barrel
one's butter and egg money
one's claws are showing
one's days are numbered
one's deepest sympathy
one's egg money
oneself again
one's eyes are bigger than one's stomach
one's fair share
one's frame of mind
one’s best shot
one's goose is cooked
one's heart goes out to
one's heart goes out to someone